Regarding: Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin, R-Maine, said a Trump review of the younger monuments would answer “many unknowns.”
“Right now we do not know the legal authority the President has to undo the actions of a previous President or the outcome of a potential ruling from the courts,” spokesman Brendan Conley said. (Clearly, known unknowns making a comeback.)
-Nick Samibides
Regarding: Selecting Rockland’s Next City Manager
…calm camaraderie that is refreshing – former Rockland Mayor Louise MacLellan-Ruf (Pure Poetry)
“The committee made a unanimous recommendation of one candidate to the council,” he said. “This unanimous recommendation came out of the interviews two weeks back. The council was able to ask the members as a group and individually what separated their recommended candidate from the others and if the applicant pool was qualified.”
Clayton saide (sic) the candidate has Maine ties and past managerial experience. (Got the ties, just need the shoes.)
“We are confirming their permission on releasing their name and it should happen shortly,” he said.
“We will be setting up an interview with council as well as an introduction to department heads and the citizens of Rockland,” he said. “Understanding that this process takes time we are hopeful to expedite it as quickly as we can. The search committee needs to be recognized and commended for what they have achieved and in the manner they did it in.” – Mayor Will Clayton (“The Manner They Did It In.” Game of ‘Clue’, anyone?)
-Chris Wolfe
LePage Proposal Would Require TANF Applicants to Take Written Drug Test (Multiple Choice?)
-Mal Leary
“If the Legislature is really concerned about litter, delisting nips will ensure that they are not sold in Maine, and fewer of them end up as litter, we will also then know that discarded nip bottles are coming in from out of state.” (Delisting nips puts nips on the endangered list)
here’s the view from the always interesting Andy O’Brien…
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